Winner of 2000 Bright Hill Press
Poetry Chapbook Competition
“For many years I have been aware of Matthew Spireng’s gifts as an observer of nature, and as a poet. Until I read this collection, however, I had not considered how thoroughly and skillfully his poems avoid the great pitfall that awaits the sharp-eyed recorder of the slightly out-of-the-way. These are not mere notes on brief encounters with interesting phenomena; they are fine, memorable poems, and long after I am accustomed to the startling observations they contain, the delicate sturdiness of their poetic craft will keep calling me back to them.”
— Henry Taylor
Caged Bird
Some believe there’s somewhere in the brain
that senses minor fluctuations in the Earth’s
magnetic field and uses a sort of memory
of that to travel the same route year after year
over thousands of miles, over open ocean
on moonless, clouded nights, and a built-in clock
that, save for weather’s influence, tells
when it’s time to go. But they utter nothing
of thwarted dreams in birds’ brains, how
a few cubic feet near the ground, however
well-kept and lighted, however large it seems
around a small bright bird, is like a fist
closed tight on feather and bone, how, certain times
of year, the bird’s heart races as if to power flight.